PBR’s & Mexican Guitars

Red Bull Soundselect Presents: The Menzingers
Court Tavern – New Brunswick, NJ



The Court Tavern, home of the New Brunswick punk rock music scene, never disappoints.

The show opened with Cheerbleeders and Big Eyes, two female-fronted opening acts. The Cheerbleeders’ short and sweet, big energy songs, were a great way to open up the night, with Big Eyes following in a similar fashion.

The Court Tavern was not ready for an intimate setting with The Menzingers. The moment the first sound exploded through the amplifier, a wave of people crashed towards the stage. I went from onlooking from the front row, to sitting on the amp stage right. Talk about intimate. If I moved the wrong way Greg’s guitar could’ve slapped me in the face.

mengreg                  mendrum

The setlist was stacked, closing with In Remission…until they decided they should play more songs. The set included a Rancid cover of Roots Radicals.

Throughout the set, pieces of the ceiling were being passed through the crowd. When leaving the Court Tavern, you noticed about 30% of the ceiling was missing. Does that sum up how crazy it was?
“Ava are you tryin’ to get high? I hope the floor ceiling holds this time.” See what I did there?


Make sure to catch The Menzingers on their upcoming tour with Chumped and Roger Harvey!
Unfortunately they’re not passing through NJ/NYC, but they will be at Starland Ballroom in June for the Idobi Meltdown Festival.

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